Radical innovation has always been exciting, but is perhaps moving into the realm of necessary – for organizations and industries to compete and be resilient, for cities and governments to support citizens in a rapidly evolving digital world, and for all of us to address our global, pressing challenges. This conference will explore radical innovation across a variety of facets: products and services, business models, technologies, organizational design, industries, governments, cities and more. While we want to think radically and vision our future together, we also want to act practically, so case studies and actionable approaches for making radical innovation a reality will be emphasized.
Example topics include:
- Innovating products and services, business models and operating models
- Radically innovative uses of technology
- Radical rethinking of how we architect and deliver solutions (e.g., the rise of no code platforms, citizen developers and software writing robots)
- Presentations and panels on radical innovation from any perspective (e.g. reimagining industries that are being disrupted such as energy, banking and consulting; designing government for a digital future)
- Case studies demonstrating examples of radical innovation
- Approaches and cases studies on how to facilitate and scale radical innovation (e.g., building organizational capacity, partnering with startups, etc.)
- Success stories on how architecture interacts with and supports innovation
- Approaches and case studies on educating and building skills for innovation
- And much, much more…